The ‘Curse of The ‘He-She’, Is Devilishly Dangerous.
Don’t Become Impregnated by Fear or Doubt!
Jesus Loves You! Amen…
This Photo above, Looks like a Costume that I seen on TV, for the Gay Pride Parade? Beware Parents, it is Not a Healthy Sub-Culture for Children. Realistically, A Mind is, a Terrible Thing to, Intimidate, Corrupt and Pervert. Perversion is Disgusting.
Warning, Pedophilia is the Ultimate Sin! It is a Psychosexual Disorder? It is Definitely Taboo! Alas, ‘We Think and Therefor We Are’, But Whom, are We Really?
‘To Be Or Not Do Be?’
Wake Up; Observation Inspires Imagination! The Who, What And Why; which we Portray; Defines and Manifests as Reality in Life? Be Careful of Your Actions! Unfortunately Sometimes, Shit Happens. Intent is Not Always Done on Purpose; as Mistakes Do Happen.
Sorry is Not Accepted; Under the Law! Trust God! Don’t Indulge in Shame and Disgrace. Intent is Vital, as it is Your Prerogative, to Choose. It is a Privilege! Choice, as Reason and Free Will, are Gifts from God, to You. Choose Wisely! Care, Concern and Consideration are Vital to Humanity!
Ironically, Temptation is Natural. Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide. Trust Your Intuition! Nature is the Greatest Teacher! But, it Is Subjected to God’s Laws, as part of, The Circle of Life. Ironically, Man is also, Subjected to God’s Laws. But Unfortunately, Mankind Doesn’t Comply? Why? Consequences? Why are We Here?
Survival is the Ultimate Goal, as Desire To Live; is Priceless. Experience is the Essence of Time Served. Attention to Detail is Precious. Memories are Reminders of Past Experience. Some Good, Others Not So Good? We Must Not Expose Our Children to Depravity. Excessive Pride, Arrogance and Greed; Ensure Corruption as Earth, Can Be A Living Hell! Too Often, The Circle of Abuse is Passed on to Future Generations?
Unfortunately Curiosity is also Natural. It is Your Sense of Wonder? Thus, We Must Protect Our Children from Societies, Shockingly Sick Perverts! We must Protect Their Minds as well, as their Lives! Education Begins at Home! Prepare Your Child for the Consequences of Sexual Abuse. Sex for Drugs and Money is Taboo. It is a Favorite Option, used by Perverts. Unfortunately, Emotional Scars are a Travesty, That will Surely Run Deep Within?
All Children, Must Be Aware of The Guilt and Shame, Violence, Drugs, Intimidation, Threats, Bullying and Blackmail; which Can Lead to, Prostitution as Sexual Slaves. Slaves that are Used and Abused by Pimps? Slaves that are Subjected to being arrested for Prostitution and at the Risk of, getting AIDS, a Death Sentence?
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). There is currently no effective cure. Once people get HIV, they have it for life. A Death Sentence?
Death is No Joke!
Death, The Fear of Dying is Natural! You Must Come to Terms with it. Ultimately, Change is Inevitable. But Ironically, Do We Not Die Everyday; as a Gradual Termination of Thoughts and Feelings, that Very and Flexulate in Confusion? The mind of man is Constantly Changing Until, Enlightenment / Truth, Sets him Free!
“The difference between dying and death is that in dying, the individual goes through a process of gradual termination before death occurs. In death, this process is absent (like the person who passes away in his sleep) or is relatively short (like the person who bled to death from a gun shot wound).”
Ultimately Values and Goals are Vital to Humanity!
Intent? The Pursuit of Happiness?
Is Immortality Possible?
Thou Shalt and Thou Shalt Not?
Are You Married, Gay and Hiding in the Closet of Guilt and Shame?
Shame On You!
Care, Consideration and Understanding are Vital to Humanity!
Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy, are Divine!
Do You Regret Your Life Style?
Troubles on Your Mind?
Jesus Loves You!
Were You Sexualy Abused?
It’s Not Your Fault.
There is Always Hope!
Report The Bastard!
Sue The Bastard!
Get Some Counseling!
Confess and Come Clean?
Trust Jesus!
The Truth Will Set You Free…
Don’t Destroy Your Family?
Beware of Getting HIV — AIDS!
The Dragon that You Feed, Becomes You!
Good and Evil are Manmade!
gods and devils Do Exist?
Ironically, Ignorance, Fear, Panic, Doubt And Suspicion,are Facts of Life.
Faith is Divine! / Sacred…
If, Life is Sum Total of, Risks and Rewards
What is the Quest of the Odyssey?
What is the Quest, if the Odyssey Continues?
Thank You Jesus… Amen!
Jesus Tamed My EGO…
Get A Free Copy of my Audio Book, Entitled ‘Surprise’, in Exchange for a Honest Review!
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Graham Mack Just Finished Producing and Narrating an Audio Book, for my Book — Surprise, A Message of Hope! His is going to also produce and Narrate my book ‘Social Security; in April, 2023. In fact, Mr Mack wants to Help Me with All of My Published Works!
“Hi Robert, I’m so glad you like what I’ve done. It’s a wonderful book with an important message.” Graham Mack
Who is Graham Mack?
He has been a professional broadcaster for more than 25 years and won many international broadcasting awards including New York Festivals Radio Awards. He won the “Merit Award” at the Wehear Audiobook Awards 2022! He is also a member of The Audio Publishers Association. And, he also invited me, for an online interview; on his YouTube channel to help promote them for Free!
The Truth Shall, Set Us Free!
You can buy a Signed Copy of my books in my Ko-fi Store below.
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This Includes My Book Entitled Taboo, Which will Help You Tame Your EGO!